We have certified bean seed for sale!

Convinced of the need to improve seed quality in order to assure consistent yield results, La Semilla Ministries has been working toward the goal of bean seed certfication for a number of years. In a developing nation like Nicaragua, achieving the protocols required for certification have not been a straightforward nor an easy task. For this reason we are celebrating!


Certification status in Nicaragua does not look a whole lot different than certification anywhere else in the world. Variety genetics produce foundation seed, foundation seed leads to registered, registered to certified, then certified to commercial grain. Let’s just say that the relationships between the partners involved in each step of the protocol can sometimes be strained (and suffer lack of punctuality!). But thanks to God and the tenacity of our agronomist in charge of our seed program, Franklin Garcia, we have a official tag on each 40lb of seed. We chose a marketing name specially for the seed, EXITIERRA, so that it’s a legacy that can long outlast La Semilla Ministries.

EXITIERRA translated means ‘successful soil’. The idea of a successful harvest beginning with seed selection is an agriculture principle that we reinforce at every opportunity. It’s a brand name that will give us voice not only in our department of Carazo, but also throughout other principal bean growing regions of Nicaragua. With this achievement, we are expanding our reach of influence for the benefit of rural Nicaraguans.