Wally Wiebe Family

Wally Wiebe Family

Wally Wiebe moved to Nicaragua in 2007 from La Crete, Alberta. He came with his wife, Esther, and family of four – Caleb, Hannah, Elijah, and Rachel.

The Lord touched Wally and Esther with a desire to minister to those less fortunate. They work with the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (EFCCM) in Nicaragua as Directors of «La Semilla» (The Seed) Ministry focusing on cultivating holistic community development and applying biblical principals to business and social situations. The current sustainable agriculture programs of La Semilla Ministries are financing crop inputs and connecting struggling subsistence farmers with the information and resources they need to be able to provide a steady and sufficient income for their families. The results are increased yields, better markets, and increased dignity for these rural folks. Woven into all they do is the idea of a practical application of the love of God – He is the source of their joy and the goal of their lives.

Although there are sacrifices for a Canadian family to live and serve God overseas, the rewards of helping others and sharing the joy of our Savior Jesus far outweigh the hardships.  Days are full for Wally with the administration of the various aspects of an agriculture development program, overseeing the accounting and finances of the ministry, and networking to improve marketing opportunities for the farmers he serves. Esther keeps her days full caring for her family and taking charge of the La Semilla base (a rural guesthouse facility) making booking for guests and keeping an eye on the kitchen and other facilities. Their children are currently attending the Nicaraguan Christian Academy in Managua, keeping their studies at pace with their Canadian friends in this school with an accredited American curriculum. Their oldest son, Caleb, has since moved back to Canada and is earning some income while preparing to enter Bible School.  

Micah 6:8 (NLT)

 No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.